Welcome to the Davidson Research Lab

Our Goals
The overarching mission of the Davidson Group will be to overcome constraints of typical design and synthesis methods for materials discovery by closing the gap in knowledge between disciplines in a manner that enables atomically precise structuring of matter across length-scales such as to control flows of mass, charge, and energy across time-scales.
My research group will seek to blend mechanistic design principles and ideas of crystal growth from nanoparticle synthesis with electrochemical additive manufacturing, thereby enabling highly precise, localized, and directed single-step growth of nanomaterials directly onto arbitrary substrates. We will additionally seek to blend informatics with process design and experimental techniques with a view towards accelerating the exploration of synthesis, processing, and manufacturing landscapes. We will further explore how local features in highly heterogeneous surfaces contribute to functional performance in electrochemical processes through spatially resolved mapping of electrochemical activity, local atomistic structure, and electronic structure.