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Publications at UD

  1. Allen, M.; Bediako, K.; Bowman, W. J.; Calabrese, M.; Caretta, L.; Cersonsky, R. K.; Chen, W.; Correa, S.; Davidson, R.; Dresselhaus-Marais, L.; Eisler, C. N.; Furst, A.; Ge, T.; Hook, A.; Hsu, Y.-T.; Jia, C.; Lu, J.; Lunghi, A.; Messina, M. S.; Moreno-Hernandez, I. A.; Nichols, E.; Rao, R.; Seifrid, M.; Shulenberger, K. E.; Simonov, A. N.; Su, X.; Swearer, D. F.; Tang, E.; Taylor, M. K.; Tran, H.; Trindade, G. F.; Truby, R.; Utzat, H.; Yang, Y.; Yee, D. W.; Zhao, S.; Cranford, S. 35+1 Challenges in Materials Science Being Tackled by PIs under 35(Ish) in 2023. Matter 2023, 6 (8), 2480–2487. (Link)

Prior to UD

  1. Carrillo, L.; Schofield, P.; Zercher, S.; Jung, J.; Davidson, R.*; & Banerjee, S.* Galvanic Replacement of Magnesium Nanowire Arrays to Form Templated Antimony Frameworks. JOM 2023, 1–10. (Link)

  2. Sill, T. E.; Zaheer, W.; Valdes, C. G.; Balcorta, V. H.; Douglas, L.; Fletcher, T.; Steiger, S.; Spinner, N. S.; Verkhoturov, S. V.; Kalyanaraman, V.; Verghese, N.; Pharr, M.; Sheth, K.*; Davidson, R. D.*; Banerjee, S.* Mechanistic Origins of Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys by Graphene/Polyetherimide Nanocomposite Coatings. npj Mater. Degrad. 2023, 7 (1), 35. (Link)

  3. Sanders, S. L. #; Douglas, L. D. #; Sill, T. E.; Stewart, K.; Pieniazek, N.; Li, C., Walters; E., Al-Hashimi, M.; Fang, L.; Davidson, R. D.*; & Banerjee, S.* Tetrapodal textured Janus textiles for accessible menstrual health. IScience 2023, 26 (11), 108224. (Link)

  4. Davidson, R.*; O’Loughlin, T. E.; Alivio, T. E. G.; Lim, S.; Banerjee, S. Thermodynamics of Wettability: A Physical Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. J. Chem. Educ. 2022, 99 (7), 2689–2696. (Link)

  5. Davidson, R.; Banerjee, Energy Spotlight Advances in CO2 Electrolysis, Nickel-Rich Layered Oxide Cathodes, and Redox-Targeting Flow Batteries. ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6 (4) (Link)

  6. Davidson, R.; Banerjee, S. No Free Lunch in Misconceptions and Myths Surrounding “Negative Emissions” Chem (Cell Press) 2021, 7, 2829-2830. (Link)

  7. Udayakantha, M.; Perera, S. S.; Davidson, R.; Zuin, L.; Rabuffetti, F. A.; Banerjee, S. Structure-Dependent Accessibility of Phonon-Coupled Radiative Relaxation Pathways Probed by X-Ray-Excited Optical Luminescence. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12 (45), 11170–11175. (Link)

  8. Udayakantha, M.; Handy, J. V.; Davidson, R.; Kaur, J.; Villalpando, G.; Zuin, L.; Chakraborty, S.; Banerjee, S. Halide Replacement with Complete Preservation of Crystal Lattice in Mixed‐Anion Lanthanide Oxyhalides. Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 2021, 60 (28), 15582–15589. (Link)

  9. Davidson, R.; Verma, A.; Santos, D.; Hao, F.; Fincher, C. D.; Zhao, D.; Attari, V.; Schofield, P.; Van Buskirk, J.; Fraticelli-Cartagena, A.; Alivio, T. E. G.; Arroyave, R.; Xie, K.; Pharr, M.; Mukherjee, P. P.; Banerjee, S. Mapping Mechanisms and Growth Regimes of Magnesium Electrodeposition at High Current Densities. Mater. Horizons 2020, 7 (3), 843–854 (Link)

  10. Braham, E. J. #; Davidson, R. #; Al-Hashimi, M.; Arróyave, R.; Banerjee, S. Navigating the Design Space of Inorganic Materials Synthesis Using Statistical Methods and Machine Learning. Dalton Trans. 2020, 49 (33), 11480–11488. (Link)

  11. Andrews, J. L.; Stein, P.; Santos, D. A.; Chalker, C. J.; De Jesus, L. R.; Davidson, R.; Gross, M. A.; Pharr, M.; Batteas, J. D.; Xu, B.-X.; Banerjee, S. Curvature-Induced Modification of Mechano-Electrochemical Coupling and Nucleation Kinetics in a Cathode Material. Matter 2020, 3 (5), 1754–1773. (Link)

  12. Davidson, R. #; Cubides, Y. #; Fincher, C.; Stein, P.; McLain, C.; Xu, B.-X.; Pharr, M.; Castaneda, H.; Banerjee, S. Tortuosity but Not Percolation: Design of Exfoliated Graphite Nanocomposite Coatings for Extended Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2019, 2 (5), 3100–3116. (Link)

  13. Davidson, R. ; Verma, A.; Santos, D.; Hao, F.; Fincher, C.; Xiang, S.; Van Buskirk, J.; Xie, K.; Pharr, M.; Mukherjee, P. P.; Banerjee, S. Formation of Magnesium Dendrites during Electrodeposition. ACS Energy Lett. 2019, 4 (2), 375–376. (Link)

  14. Davidson, R. #; Cubides, Y. #; Andrews, J. L.; McLain, C. M.; Castaneda, H.; Banerjee, S. Magnesium Nanocomposite Coatings for Protection of a Lightweight Al Alloy: Modes of Corrosion Protection, Mechanisms of Failure. phys. status solidi 2019, 216 (13), 1800817. (Link)

  15. Waetzig, G. R.; Horrocks, G. A.; Davidson, R.; Jude, J. W.; Villalpando, G. V.; Zuin, L.; Banerjee, S. In a Different Light: Deciphering Optical and X-Ray Sensitization Mechanisms in an Expanded Palette of LaOCl Phosphors. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122 (28), 16412–16423. (Link)

  16. O’Loughlin, T. E.; Waetzig, G. R.; Davidson, R.; Dennis, R. V.; Banerjee, S. Modifying Base Metal Substrates to Exhibit Universal Non-Wettability: Emulating Biology and Going Further. Encycl. Inorg. Bioinorg. Chem. 2017, 1–21, DOI: 10.1002/9781119951438.eibc2493. (Link)

  17. Dennis, R. V.; Fleer, N. A.; Davidson, R.; Banerjee, S. Graphene Coatings for the Corrosion Protection of Base Metals. In Graphene Technology: From Laboratory to Fabrication; Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Germany, 2016; pp 155–176. (Link)

© 2023 by Rachel D. Davidson.

All Rights Reserved.

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